
Fitness 101

Everything you need to start your fitness journey


Exercise Information

Learn everything you need to know about your exercises of interest. Enjoy detailed descriptions and videos of how to perform these exercises and build up to them with progressions.


Personalized Plans

Get exercise routines and diet plans that are specific to your body's condition and fitness goals generated by our advanced AI. Adjustments can be made with our professional coaches to ensure that you are satisfied.


Progess Tracking

Keep track of what you have accomplished, ranging from sets/reps on an exercise all the way to your calorie intake for the day. Progress is a great motivator.


Stay informed about fitness supplements and performance-enhancing substances. Armed with knowledge, making these decisions becomes simplier.


Connect with users that have similar interests and/or goals. Fitness does not have to be done alone!

Event Planning

Make your events visible and searchable by all of our users. An smooth and easy experiences for planners and participants.

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